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Why Travel?

Writer's picture: Pear of TravellersPear of Travellers

Hello there, Jess and Harry here and welcome to the first blog post of 'Pear of Travellers'!

Now, some of you may know us personally and some of you may not, but regardless we are excited for you to embark on this journey with us! We are completely new to this so your support, feedback and following will help make such a difference and allow us to progress day by day.

The main question that we get from friends and family is... 'Why travel?'. They can completely understand holidays and breaks away, but to try and choose to do it as a lifestyle is where they are questioning us. Our answer quite simply is 'Why not'. There is a fixed perception that Travelling is as a thing that you can only when your young and isn't a permanent lifestyle. Our aim is to challenge these beliefs and to travel as much as physically possible, visiting all different parts of the world. Yes, it will be hard work. Yes, there will be so many challenges that come along the way. And yes, we have no experience in long-term travel and have no idea what we are getting ourselves into... But, we are both passionate about travelling and exploring different cultures that we are open to throwing ourselves into the complete unknown.

'Why now?' Well... we're both at stages in our lives where we don't know what we want to do as a profession. Jess is currently studying Performing Arts at the minute and is just going into her third and final year, so it seemed like a better time than any to go after her studies and begin exploring the world.

'How will you afford it?' Save, Save and Save! Budgeting yourself has a big role to play in preparing for these trips. Costs will vary upon where you are travelling, when you are travelling, how long you are planning to go for and what level of luxury you want. If you are travelling to various different countries, purchasing a 'round the world' or 'multi-stop' ticket would be the biggest money saver of your trip, which is what we will be doing for our flights around South-East Asia. Research into different travelling companies e.g. STA Travel and compare prices to decide which company to purchase your flights with.

A lot of these companies offer 'experiences' where you travel a certain area or country with a group of people. This may be ideal for someone who is travelling solo or someone who is nervous about starting out on their own, however this option didn't really appeal to us as we found the costs were extremely expensive and we would rather do all the activities in our own time. (This is just our opinion, many of our friends have done these experiences before as solo travellers and have loved them). In the future we will cover more on how to travel with a budget, especially after we have booked everything in preparation for Asia.

'What will you do whilst you save?' We always love going on trips away together but they are not all necessarily in different countries. On the 7th of August we're going away on a 8 day camping trip to Ashbourne (UK) and on the 22nd of August we go away to Reading Festival (UK) for 5 nights. So, although we are saving for our Asia trip next year, we are not completely restricting ourselves on things to do and things that we can talk to you about.

'What inspired you to want to travel?' One word... YouTubers, especially a YouTube channel called TimandFin. They released a series called TRIPPED where the couple backpacked around the world in a year. Jess was literally unreachable because she spent her spare time binge-watching the whole series for days on end. I would say thats when we really started to look into prices and realising how affordable it actually was. The more and more we looked into it, watched new videos and followed travel blogs online, the more we fell in love with the idea to disappear from our boring day-to-day lives and to go explore the world.

So there you have it, our answers to the most common questions we get about travelling.

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Thank you for reading and happy travelling!

Harry and Jess


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